Grand Finale: Digital Innovations for Business Resilience in the East African Community

Digital Innovations for Business Resilience in the East African Community, a program under the dSkills@EA project aims to support young innovators at universities in the East African Community to develop and implement digital innovations for business resilience.

Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry (dSkills@EA) is a project as part of the technical development cooperation between the German Government under the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat.

The economy of the East African Community (EAC) is characterized by low productivity and low competitiveness, leading to high unemployment, especially among youth. Innovation and the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) by businesses are drivers of socio-economic development and international competitiveness. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have been forced to adopt digital innovations, which played a significant role in their ability to survive throughout the disruption. To unlock the potential of ICT for the economy, the availability of digital skills and skilled workers with appropriate qualifications and innovation capacity is crucial.

It’s time to celebrate digital innovations from 6 East-African Countries and to bring the East African Innovation Ecosystem together. The event will be hosted purely online and will provide everyone a chance to participate. During the Grand Finale, 12 teams from 6 EAC will pitch their innovations for grants of a pool of USD 10,000.

The Pitch Day is Here!!

We would like to wish the two (2) Startups #Nileboda & #GoGoPlay the best as they present their pitches today in Kampala, Uganda.
The two startups won the top 2 positions at the national pitch day in Juba early this year.
They are set to compete for a shared $10,000 at the EAC Regional Grand Finale with other 10 startups from the different East African Countries.
To know more about the other competitors goto
You can know more about our 2 innovators using the links below and vote for them.
To participate and watch the pitch event live Register here…/tZYvcO6hrDgvEt1ibvjlRWxn…

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